Saddle care - how to do it right?
May 7, 2019
The saddle is the bond between horse and rider. It is therefore all the more important that the saddle fits the horse and rider perfectly. This is sometimes not so easy and often requires a lot of patience and especially the right saddler. Once you have found the right piece, you naturally want to take care of this investment in the best possible way to get the most out of it for as long as possible.
Care routine:
1.) Remove saddle pads, stirrups, etc. to reach all areas.2.) Clean saddle with appropriate leather soap or liquid leather cleaner. Dampen sponge and clean with saddle soap or Leather Cleaner.
3.) Remove soap residue with a cloth.
4.) Then grease the saddle thinly with a leather care product such as Beeswax Leather Balm.
Since leather is a natural product, you should make sure that it can breathe permanently and that it is not over-cared for (especially over-greased). The regular cleaning routine with a saddle soap can be done weekly, as it gently cleans and preserves the leather. Care with a grease or oil should be applied only from time to time (about 4-6x a year), it is important to apply the product only thinly and repeat the treatment if necessary.
Tip's for saddle care:
- "less is more"- for new saddles, oil the saddle flaps from underneath once a month, leave out the padding
- if the saddle has become wet, it should be greased or oiled
- stirrup leathers and girth straps are NOT oiled or greased - cleaning with saddle soap is sufficient to prevent them from wearing out
- DO NOT grease or oil the leather underneath the saddle pads, cleaning with saddle soap is sufficient.
Our leather care products are suitable for the care of all smooth leather. They are also suitable for shoes, leather furniture such as sofas etc., motorcycle suits, leather clothing and all other products made of smooth leather.