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Cora M. Jennissen

Through EquiPaso we became aware of Cora. Since she is not far from Münster at home, we have implemented Giannas partner shooting with Cora as a photographer and were immediately thrilled by her images and her uncomplicated, professional manner - in the meantime, she has accompanied our complete relaunch and we look forward to all upcoming projects. ♥︎

Photo credits l.t.r.: Cora M. Jennissen Photography

Date of birth: 


My horses: 

Chaccora, PJ Franziska, Lazy Susan

What I do (school, job, etc.): 

Self-employed with Photography & Design 
and Media Informatics B.Sc. in distance learning at IUBH

My social media accounts:

Instagram: cora.cmj &

My websites: → Photography for Businesse & Webdesign → Fine art pet photography & coaching

What do I report on my accounts?

My work as a self-employed, my studies and my life on our yard with our horses & foals.

How did I get into horses/ what is my "equine" background:

My parents are both riders and put me on my first shetty when I was 3 years old. Then I was allowed to learn from my teacher Orien and many other great horses. I rode dressage up to M** level and jumping up to L level. At some point we started breeding horses on our yard in East Westphalia & one of our foals was my current riding horse Chaccora. Since 2018, mainly due to time constraints, I only ride her & even switched from dressage saddle back to jumping saddle for that.

My absolute favorite horse: 

Chaccora a.k.a. Chacci.

My most beautiful experience in connection with horses:

3rd place at the Westphalian Young Horse Championships 2011 with Franzi.

What is important to me in dealing, keeping and training with the horse:

Fairness towards the horse, being consistent, staying open for new/different approaches in handling & training and most importantly: always "turning on your head".

Life motto:

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Personal tip for our followers:

Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.

Biggest strength:

Aesthetics & efficiency.

Biggest weakness:

Chocolate & procrastination (but that's why efficiency).

Favorite Bense & Eicke product:

Starfinish Unicorn

Bense & Eicke products that should not be missing in your daily stable routine:

Natural hoof oil, Starfinish, Schmutzliese, SchnittBerta, Leather Cleaner & Conditioner, BiteStop.

Product from the equestrian sport, which I always have or love to use:

My Samshield helmet.

Recreational sports and other hobbies:

If I had time, I would play golf again. In winter skiing for a week, otherwise only gym & yoga from time to time. Since I turned my biggest hobby, photography, into a career, that leaves reading, Netflix & spending time with family and friends.

Favorite food:

French fries <3

Favorite vacation destination:

Côte d'Azur

What would I take with me to a deserted island:

My iPhone and camera equipment - nature photography here we go!