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135 years of Bense & Eicke

Since 1887 we have been producing horse care and leather care products in our family business in southern Lower Saxony. In the meantime, it is the third generation with the siblings Wiebke Winkler and Christoph Reinecke, who pair the traditions with the necessary zeitgeist and produce genuine products that work at a fair price - #becauseitsyourhorse. The focus is on naturalness and resource-conserving action - a large part of the products already consists of recycled materials or is recyclable - we are working on the rest #challengeaccepted. The products contain the heart and soul of our family and a lot of horse sense.

This year we are celebrating 135 years as Bense & Eicke, and there will be a variety of promotions to go with it: A big raffle, in which 135 care sets are to be won. In addition, there will soon be a limited edition of the top sellers StarFinish and Leather Conditioner in a special size of 750ml at the anniversary price ♥

You can already participate in the raffle and win 1 of 135 care sets for you and your horse - just click here!