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Five new Soulhorse loves Bense & Eicke products ♥

Brand new are the five new products in Soulhorse loves Bense & Eicke design and now available in stores ♥

Felix #Frostbeule - Cool down Gel
the practical cooling gel after exertion and for regeneration for pony legs and anti-muscle soreness for the rider.
Horsti's #Hufbalm
the 100% natural hoof care balm makes dry and soft hooves nice and elastic and resistant again.
Lili's #Luxus-Leinöl
Linseed oil helps to supply the important omega fatty acids, especially during the change of coat, but also a benefit for the intestines.
Lili's #Kräuter-Schaumbad
Limited Edition in the small 200ml bottle, makes every pony sparkling clean again and smells deliciously of herbs.
Zora's #Zauber-Maul
The contained rosemary conjures up soft and healthy skin in an instant - for muzzles, dry skin areas, etc.

Related products

> 500 available
Horsti's #Hufbalm 500 ml

Content: 500 ml (€2.99 / 100 ml)

Variants from €2.60
> 500 available
Lili's #Kräuter-Schaumbad 500 ml

Content: 500 ml (€1.50 / 100 ml)
