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ADMR compliance of our products

All our Bense & Eicke horse care products of the brands Bense & Eicke and Soulhorse loves Bense & Eicke are compliant / doping-free according to the current ADMR of the FN!
Only the anti-nibbling product: Bense & Eicke Bite Stop Paste is non-conform and has a grace period of 48 hours! Furthermore the supplementary feed Bense & Eicke Kräuter Elixier / Soulhorse loves Bense & Eicke Zora's #Zauber-Kräuter is non-conforming and also has a grace period of 48 hours! You can find an overview of our products here!
Further information and the applicable ADMR can be found directly at the FN

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